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NYSBA Testifies About Broadcasters' Concerns With “AI” to NY Assembly

On September 20th, we testified before the NY Assembly on possible legislation regulating artificial intelligence. Last June, we were able to amend harmful “AI” legislation focusing on political communications that had been passed previously as part of the Governor’s budget. We expect the upcoming session of the New York Legislature to more broadly address “AI” and its impact on consumers. 


The hearing focused on the concerns of key industries. Hearing witnesses included representatives from Big Tech, consumer groups and unions. We noted that “AI” can be a useful tool to help broadcasters in serving their communities. Nonetheless, our testimony highlighted several key issues confronting broadcasters.


  • Scraping of local news content must end. “AI” exacerbates this problem. Big tech is taking our content and using it to compete against us. “AI” also can be used to distort our news content and spread misinformation.

  • Liability for deceptive “AI” must be on the creator of the deceptive content, not the broadcaster.

  • Any labels used to identify “AI” content in radio must be short and succinct. Lengthy labels drive away content and advertising.

  • Any rules must not conflict with federal law.

With respect to misinformation resulting from deceptive AI, we made it clear that local broadcast news is the solution and not the problem. We are the most trusted source of information in local markets.  Accordingly, any enforcement should be directed at the creator of the deceptive “AI” and not broadcasters.


We expect a number of bills in the New York legislature that will address “AI.” This issue will keep NYSBA busy this legislative session. 


Our testimony can be found here.



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